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Christopher Villiers - Home and Away

Oxmarket are excited to welcome Christopher Villiers for an exhibition in the Wilson Gallery. Christopher is an actor with over 29 films (Top Secret, Bloody Sunday, First Knight, Sliding Doors) to his name and over 90 television programs (The Crown, Dr Who, Vera, Mansfield Park, Mile High, Mood). Christopher started painting as a therapy to the film and TV industry (where you have no control) and when he is not working, prefers to sit in front of an easel and paint.

Christopher’s work has always been colourful and naïve, however his work has progressed and become more complex and ambitious. He has always painted on heavy paper using many layered paints, to create intensity and depth.

Christopher met David Hockney when he was 20 years old and he became a major influence. Christopher hopes that his paintings bring a bit of sunshine, colour and contrast to people’s lives, he says that the pictures should be part of a story and allow the viewer to walk into the paintings and lose themselves.

 Christopher’s wife likes him to paint as she tells him that it keeps him quiet!

12 September

Russell Webb - Levity and Gravity

26 September

Harry Durdin Robertson - Greengrocer